Reference soil Nicaragua 11: Andosol


Andosols occur throughout the world where volcanic activity is common, especially in the circum-Pacific region and along the mid-Atlantic Ridge.


Soils with a vitric or andic horizon (slightly to moderately weathered horizons in pyroclastic deposits dominated by short-range-order minerals, notably allophane and imogolite) starting within 25 cm from the soil surface. In addition, they may have a histic, fulvic, melanic, mollic, umbric, ochric, duric, or cambic horizon. Other diagnostic horizons (unless buried deeper than 50 cm by volcanic deposits) are absent.

Distribution of Andosols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil NI011: Andosols

Deep, (moderately) well drained, dark brown to dark reddish brown loam soil developed from unconsolidated materials, derived from igneous and sedimentary rocks as well as volcanic ejecta. The soil contains fresh talpetate fragments, is strongly to moderately structured, moderately permeable and highly porous. The strongly cemented layer at a depth of 42 cm, called "talpetate" (Bm horizon) is in this part of Nicaragua probably of geogenetic and pedogenetic origin. The talpetate at shallow depth affects the rooting conditions, the nutrients and moisture availability and the potential for mechanization of the soil. The profile forms part of a toposequence (El Crucero- Montelimar) of soils with "talpetate", studied by the Department of Soil Science of the Nicaraguan Agricultural University.



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Petroduric-Mollic-Vitric- Andosol (Calcaric)Molli-Vitric- Andosol (Petroduric Calcaric)
0-42 cmmollic horizon
42-51 cmpetroduric horizon
0-42 cmmollic horizon
0-42 cmvitric horizon
51-150 cmvitric horizon
Orthi-Haplic Phaeozem duripanHaplic Phaeozem duripan
0-42 cmmollic A horizon
- cmmollic A horizon
-smeary consistence
0-42 cmmollic A horizon
- cmduripan horizon