Reference soil China 24: Anthrosol
Anthrosols occur over large areas in the Far East where growing of paddy rice takes place for centuries, in the Middle East where prolonged irrigation has been practised, and over small areas in western Europe and other parts of the world where long-time fertilization and earth-manuring have profoundly modified existing soils
Soils having either a hortic, irragric, plaggic or terric horizon 50 cm or more thick, or an anthraquic horizon and an underlying hydragric horizon with a combined thickness of 50 cm or more.
Reference soil CN024: Anthrosols
PROFILE DESCRIPTION : Deep, moderately well drained, yellowish brown loam derived from sandstone. Weathered sandstone is found at a depth of 2 meter. PARENT MATERIAL: the soil is derived from sandstone. The parent material is produced mainly by in situ weathering with some colluvial additions. / LAND USE: valley and lower hill slopes are already cultivated for centuries. The middle slopes are terraced and brought under cultivation since the construction of large reservoirs in the area (about 1950 till present). / GENERAL SOIL INFORMATION: CN024 forms the middle catena ember and is related to CN023 which is located on top of the interfluve at a distance of about 100 to 150 meter. Both soils are located in a so-called 'Red Basin' (intermontane basins with reddish coloured soils). At Yingtan the width of the basin is about 30km.