Reference soil China 31: Nitisol


Nitisols occur mainly in the tropics and subtropics, as well as in areas with a Mediterranean type of climate. They are associated with basic rocks (e.g. basalts) or hard limestone or dolomite deposits.


Soils having a nitic horizon (a horizon with pronounced nut-shaped soil structure and significant amount of active iron) within 100 cm from the soil surface, and gradual to diffuse horizon boundaries between the surface and the underlying horizons. They do not have a ferric, plinthic or vertic horizon within 100 cm from the soil surface.

Distribution of Nitisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil CN031: Nitisols

PROFILE DESCRIPTION : Deep, well drained, dark reddish brown clay derived from grey marble. The thin but dark coloured topsoil has a strongly developed subangular blocky structure, while in the remaining soil strong angular blocky structures prevail. The organic carbon content is medium, averaged over the first 25 cm. Soil reaction is acid in the first 50 cm, becoming slichtly acid below and neutral to slightly alkaline near the only slightly altered rock. GENERAL LANDFORM: steep mountains (tower karst-like) with a great variety in soil depth. Rock outcrops occur alongside deep soils. In the soil great boulders of marble occur. They have a typical solution surface with smooth curves. The soil itself doesn't seem to have free carbonates. The lower slope has hardly any colluvial material and the is a sharp transition from the straight slope to the flat intermontane basin / SOILS: apart from the dominant red coloured soils some browner ones occur on the lower slopes. Also a violet B horizon was found next to a red soil. Apart from an irregular depth also the content of stones varies from place to place. Slide nos. of the ISRIC collection: 13934-13944 (landscape, profile, profile details, monolith taking).



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Ferralic- Nitisol (Rhodic)Eutric- Nitisol
5-120 cmnitic horizon
0-5 cmochric horizon
5-120 cmnitic horizon
Eutri-Rhodic NitisolChromic Luvisol
0-5 cmochric A horizon
- cmargic B horizon
- cmochric A horizon
0-5 cmochric A horizon
24-120 cmargillic B horizon


Local classification:Luvic brown limestone soil; Ferri-Udic Argosol
Common name:Red granular clay