Reference soil China 14: Solonchak


Solonchaks occur where saline groundwater comes near to the surface, or where through evapo(transpi)ration salts from the soil water accumulate in the soil, e.g. in desert regions


Soils having a salic horizon (horizon with accumulation of salts more soluble than gypsum) within 50 cm of the soil surface. They have no diagnostic horizons other than a histic, mollic, ochric, takyric, yermic, calcic, cambic, duric, gypsic or vertic horizon.

Distribution of Solonchaks (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil CN014: Solonchak

Deep, imperfectly drained, saline brown sandy loam derived from colluvio-alluvial deposits, with a thick, hard, dirty white cristallized salt pan in the topsoil. The subsoil shows few to common white salt spots. Soil reaction is alkaline and the electrical conductivity is high. SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS: thin crust with "fluffy, crispy" crumby structure / VEGETATION: 10-20% covered by salt resistant herb and reed vegetation, consisting mainly of Alhagi and Phragmites.


WRB 2006:

WRB 1998:

Puffic Petrosalic Solonchak(Sodic Sulphatic Takyric)
Epipetrosali- Sodic Solonchak(Aridic Hypersalic)
0-65 cm salic horizon
0-8 cm takyric horizon
0-65 cm salic horizon
0-8 cm takyric horizon



Petri- Sodic Solonchak phreatic phase
Orthic Solonchak phreatic phase
0-8 cm ochric A horizon
  salic properties
  sodic properties
0-8 cm ochric A horizon
- cm salic horizon
- high salinity property

Other classification

Classification (other)

Salipanic brown desert soil; Panic Sali-Orthic Aridosol

Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Turpan