Reference soil Rwanda 09: Nitisol

Distribution of Nitisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)

Ap: Upper part of the horizon shows tendency for slight massive structure. AB: Common discontinuous distinct thin dark reddisch brown (5YR 3/2) skeletans over argillans on vertical and horizontal ped faces. Coarse termite holes are filled with organic clayey material. Soft iron concretions color is reddish brown (5YR 4/4). Bt: Many discontinuous distinct thin dark brown (7.5YR 3/4) skeletans over argillans on vertical and horizontal ped faces. Coarse ant and termite channels filled with organic dark reddish brown (5YR 3/2) clayey material. Coarse sand grains are cloudy and subrounded. Bth1: Common discontinuous distinct thin dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) skeletans over argillans on vertical and horizontal ped faces. Few to common, fine to coarse, divided to powdery charcoal in soft dark concretions. Soft iron concretion seems to be of iron oxide or saprolite bodies. Bth2: Common discontinuous distinct thin skeletans over argillans on vertical and horizontal ped faces. Soft dark concretion seems to be biological. 2Bsc: Many discontinuous distinct thin yellowish red (5YR 5/6) non specific pressure faces on sand and gravel. Termite channels filled with humic clayey material transversed by roots. Coarse round ironstone nodules seems to be petroplinthic nodules with 3 shapes, inside colour very dark greyish brown (10YR 3/2) and (dark) yellowish brown (10YR 3/6). Slides: 9969 - 9974.


WRB 2006  
Umbric-Ferralic Nitisol (Sombric Humic Alumic Clayic)  
0-50 cm umbric horizon    
50-160 cm nitic horizon    
160-185 cm argic horizon    
- ferralic    
Alumi-Humic Cambisol Humic Cambisol
0-50 cm ochric A horizon 0-50 cm ochric A horizon
50-160 cm cambic B horizon 50-160 cm cambic B horizon
160-185 cm argic B horizon 160-185 cm argillic B horizon


Classification information Kabira Series
Other classification
USDA-SCS (1975) Sombrihumult udic clayey kaolinitic isothermic

Préfecture Rutare, commune Kabiro, secteur Gashinya