Ah1 0-8 cm |
dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2, moist)sandy loam,weak crumb,soft friable,few very fine roots,non calcareous 10% HCl,clear boundary to, |
Ah2 8-15 cm |
yellowish brown (10YR 5/4, dry) dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2, moist)sandy loam,massive,common fine faint clear mottles and common medium distinct mottles,few very fine roots,very few medium angular hard ferruginous concretions,non calcareous 10% HCl,gradual boundary to, |
E 15-27 cm |
white (10YR 8/2, dry) very pale brown (10YR 7/3, moist)loamy sand,massive,common fine faint diffuse mottles (10YR 5/3),few very fine roots,frequent medium angular hard ferruginous concretions,non calcareous 10% HCl,abrupt wavy boundary to, |
Btn1 27-42 cm |
claystrong very coarse columnar parting to prismatic,(10YR 3/2) and (10R 3/6),non calcareous 10% HCl,diffuse boundary to, |
Btn2 42-53 cm |
claycolumnar parting to angular blocky,(5YR 4/6) and (5YR 4/1),few medium angular hard ferruginous concretions,non calcareous 10% HCl,diffuse wavy boundary to, |
53-69 cm |
strong brown (7.5YR 5/6, moist)clay,columnar parting to prismatic,friable,few soft calcareous soft segregations,slightly calcareous 10% HCl,diffuse boundary to, |
Ck 69-92 cm |
strong brown (7.5YR 5/6, moist)clay,massive,friable,frequent soft calcareous soft segregations,calcareous 10% HCl, |