Reference soil Thailand 04: Eutric Gleysol

Distribution of Gleysols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)

Water table: varies with seasons.

Flooding: by river water for 7-8 months/year.

Climate: Tropical savanna; average temperature of hottest month (April) is 30.6°C and of coolest month (December) 25.2°C; the total annual rainfall in Sing Buri is 1172 mm, of which 85% falls in the period of May-October. Data source: Agroclimatological data Asia 2, FAO. Rome 1987.

Land use: No fertilizers are used; fallow land during dry season; average rice yield 3000 kg/ha.

Additional notes on profile description: O - Undecomposed straw of rice and grass. Apg - Some black patches; weak, medium crumb structure in upper centimetres; a few narrow cracks (1/2 cm wide, 15-20 cm deep). 2C3 - Second matrix colour 9 YR 5/2 moist.

  • Dent, F.J.; Cheuthongdee, Mana: No.49 Soil series survey of the MERS Lop Buri study area; Soil Survey Division, Ministry of National Development. Bangkok June 1966.
  • Kawaguchi, K.; Kyuma, K.: Lowland rice soils in Thailand; reports on research in Southeast Asia, Natural Science Series. Tokyo 1969.
  • Moormann, F.R.; Rojanasoonthon, S.: Soils of Thailand; report SSR-72, Soil Survey Division, Kingdom of Thailand. Bangkok 1968.
  • Panichapong, S.; Moormann,F.R.: Report No.7 in the soil survey of 10 villages in Changwat Ubon; Ministry of Agriculture. Bangkok August 1962.
  • Rice, O.W.: Notes on soils temperature regimes in Thailand; report SSR-79, Soil Survey Division, Kingdom of Thailand. Bangkok 1969.
  • Rojanasoonthon,S.; Moormann, F.R.: No.48. Final report on the Great Soil Group Survey of seven selected areas in Thailand; Soil Survey Division, Kingdom of Thailand. Bangkok June 1966.
  • Van der Kevie, W.; Yenmanas, Banchong: Detailed reconnaissance soil survey of Southern Central Plain Area; Soil Survey Division, Ministry of National Development, report SSR-89. Bangkok 1972.



Orthi- Eutric Gleysol inundic phase
Eutric Gleysol
0-0 cm cambic B horizon
0-0 cm ochric A horizon
  gleyic properties
0-0 cm cambic B horizon
0-0 cm ochric A horizon
  hydromorphic properties

Other classification

USDA-SCS (1975)

Tropaquept very fine mixed isohyperthermic

Classification (other)

Alluvial soil, Phimai Series
  A poorly drained dark grey clayey profile with many distinct mottles, yellowish red in the topsoil and dark brown below. The profile has a weak to moderate angular blocky structure, a few narrow cracks up to 20 cm depth and a few slickensides.

Central Plain Region, Sing Buri Province, Muang Sing Buri District

200 m W of junction of roads Lop Buri - Sing Buri and Ang Thon - Chainat.