Reference soil Kenya 21: Solonchak


Solonchaks occur where saline groundwater comes near to the surface, or where through evapo(transpi)ration salts from the soil water accumulate in the soil, e.g. in desert regions


Soils having a salic horizon (horizon with accumulation of salts more soluble than gypsum) within 50 cm of the soil surface. They have no diagnostic horizons other than a histic, mollic, ochric, takyric, yermic, calcic, cambic, duric, gypsic or vertic horizon.

Distribution of Solonchaks (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil KE021: Solonchaks

A salt-affected soil, dominated by quartz and clay minerals, derived from quaternary lacustrine sediments ("Chalbi beds") with cracks (extending to 1-2 cm width) to 20 cm depth and a very hard saline crust in dry season (many crystal needles).



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Gypsic-Puffic- Solonchak (Sodic Chloridic Takyric)Gypsi-Sodic- Solonchak (Takyric Chloridic)
0-100 cmsalic horizon
35-100 cmgypsic horizon
Takyri-Sodic SolonchakTakyric Solonchak
0-20 cmochric A horizon
0-20 cmochric A horizon
-high salinity
-takyric features